#NewLean discovery

how privacy-positive tools lead to more truthful software-discovery

Your people

They’re your biggest asset. But you can’t afford them. At least that’s what your management consultants say. Every time you call them in.

But what if you could?

What if they could pay their way?

What if you could capture and validate, and then store and retrieve in the future whenever you wanted to, the kind of thinking even your own people didn’t realise they could produce?

And then payroll would pay for itself? Your people — all of them — would become an investment not a spend …

#NewLean discovery

What if your traditional management consultants were inspecting — from the outside-in — the majority of your people into the kind of menial mindsets that produce no competitive advantages whatsoever?

What if their alternative — more humans at the service of more machines — led you to doing exactly the same as your competitors … and then only ever being one step ahead? Or even no steps ahead? Incapable of disrupting anything … ever?

And what if there was an alternative? What if you could scope and develop targeted apps in short, well-contained timeframes that were based on the deepest truths about your company — truths no one had ever been encouraged to speak up about … ever?

The solution: the gold you always knew was out there

  • #NewLean’s privacy-positive manual/hybrid and fully software-based discovery; leading to

  • much more truthful and accurate discovery datasets on which to scope, design and implement new manual processes, and related software solutions, much more honestly; restricting

  • budget overruns dramatically; capturing

  • company IP — your competitive truths, if you like … the gold you always knew was out there; in order to

  • validate it and make it shareable across as many levels of your organisation’s hierarchy as you see relevant